Monday, May 21, 2012

*3 Simple Love-ipies*

In my opinion, being in a relationship is as fun & easy as you make it. 

I don't think there should be any particular rhyme or set of rules that every couple has to follow in order to make it...or is there? 

I have recently entered into a committed relationship, boyfriend/girlfriend, "Facebook official" situation so learning the ropes of this exclusive dating stuff is a relative priority for me right now to make it the best situation possible for not only my guy but for myself as well. 

With that being said,

I think in general there are a few simple relationship philosophies to go by that can help smooth over any issues that may arise or cause a nice harmony early on from the get go & they are as follows..

Do unto your partner as you would want done to you!
...Simple notion that goes a long way. Once you find someone that is willing to treat you as well as you treat them then that is a golden circumstance that makes everything that you two may face easier from the very beginning...

OVERcommunicate :)
(word I just made up but that's neither here nor there..)
...Talking through things isn't always fun, easy or simple but I believe it to be necessary to talk up & let your partner know things that you may not even necessarily want to share with them. In order to free your mind & keep both of you on the same page it really needs to be done in order to keep the lines of communication  widdeeee open. If there is no more raw talking going on then I do believe more problems will arise or breaking up may be inevitable...

Take your time.
...Don't be in such a rush to place labels on your particular situation  because every case is different. Unless things are going wayyy too slow to the point where you are questioning if the other person is interested then enjoy the getting to know each other phase to not get bored too soon. I think it is better to take monogamous dating one day at a time to not add any extra pressure because you really just don't know what's going to come up in the future. Slightly pessimistic view but it can save some heartache if you take things one step at a time before things get too deep or serious... 

Of course, there is no perfect recipe to creating a harmonious relationship but when you are trying to be the best boyfriend or girlfriend you can be..little tips can't possibly hurt :)

Any simple notions you care to share? 

I need all the help I can get! :)


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